Bus connections run between Forssa, the Helsinki area and the neighbouring towns. We recommend that you book your tickets in advance due to the limited departures. In 2023 some of the busses were sold out because of Forssa Textile Week.
The bus schedules can be found at Matkahuolto.
We have listed some schedules below to make your planning easier. Klick the preferred date to see the bus schedule.
helsinki - forssa | forssa - helsinki |
Thursday 15.8. | Thursday 15.8. |
Friday 16.8. | Friday 16.8. |
Saturday 17.8. | Saturday 17.8. |
Sunday 18.8. | Sunday 18.8. |
hämeenlinna - forssa | forssa - hämeenlinna |
Thursday 15.8. | Thursday 15.8. |
Friday 16.8. | Friday 16.8. |
Saturday 17.8. | Saturday 17.8. |
Sunday 18.8. | Sunday 18.8. |
turku - forssa | forssa - turku |
Thursday 15.8. | Thursday |
Friday 16.8. | Friday 16.8. |
Saturday 17.8. | Saturday 17.8. |
Sunday 18.8. | Sunday 18.8. |
The closest train station is located in Humppila, approximately 20 km from Forssa. During the summer of 2024 a Jubilee Bus Line is operating between the Humppila Station and Forssa City. Attention! During weekends the first bus departures at 13:05.
Train chedules and tickets can be found at VR website. We have listed Tampere-Humppila schedules below to make your planning easier. Klick the preferred date to see the bus schedule.
tampere - humppila | humppila - tampere |
Thursday 15.8. | Thursday 15.8. |
Friday 16.8. | Friday 16.8. |
Saturday 17.8. | Saturday 17.8. |
Sunday 18.8. | Sunday 18.8. |